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KSI National Education & Learning Summit 2020

PEEAM has been invited by KSI Strategic Institute for Asia Pacific attending the National Education and Learning Summit 2020 which was held at Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on 28th July 2020. 

Malaysia education in 2020 began with much turmoil with the resignation of YB Dr Maszlee Malik as Minister of Education on the first day of the school year. With detractors and supporters of Pakatan Harapan’s first-term education policies polarising Malaysia society, much of the public’s focus been taken away from the efforts already undertaken, overshadowed by political interest. Almost two years since the change of government, the dust has still yet to settle on what changes has been brought from the previous administration and which education policies have been retained.

With Malaysia finally in its long-awaited Vision 2020 moment, it is an apt time to reflect if its progress of education has indeed reached the level of those in developed nations or if is still lagging behind.

The 2020 National Education and Learning Summit provides an opportunity to those with a passion for education to provide their insights on current progress and obstacles faced by Malaysia’s education sector. It is a unique opportunity for stakeholder from the private sector, public sector, and the third sector to deliberate matters concerning education to devise a new path forward.

Education Director General, Dr Habibah Abdul Rahim was one of the panel speaker.

YB Dr Mazlee Malik was the keynote speaker for the conference.

Networking session with YB Datuk Dr Yusof B. Yacob, Minister of Education and Innovation Sabah.

PEEAM Secretary, Mr Tan Sian Hian, Vice Chairman, Mr Edwin Pang and Treasurer, Mr Simon Tee are the PEEAM representative attended the event.

Dato’ Satinah Syed Saleh, Director of Melewar with PEEAM Secretary, Mr Tan Sian Hian and Vice Chairman, Mr Edwin Pang.

VIP Entering to the Hall.

National Education and Learning Summit 2020 Panel Speakers